The Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh, the National Science Foundation, the Center for Historical Environment and Socioeconomic Development of Northwest China at Shaanxi Normal University and the Northwest Socioeconomic Development Research Center of Northwest University announce the call for applications for the 2012 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program entitled “Negotiations and Impacts: Water Policy Across China’s Loess Plateau.” This unique program in social science research will be conducted in Pittsburgh, PA, and in Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces, China in the summer of 2012. Twelve highly-qualified undergraduates and a team of faculty mentors will undertake collaborative research on how economic development and societal change is impacting China’s already precarious environmental position across the Yellow River Loess Plateau. The six-week program will be conducted between June 12 and July 22, 2012.
The program’s primary objective is to mentor students through the complete process of designing a research agenda and performing primary research in the social sciences at an international field site. It includes a unique combination of close mentoring, student/faculty teamwork, multidisciplinary research, and international field experience. Student participation will be encouraged from all fields of the social sciences, including sociology, anthropology, geography, environmental studies, economics, political science, Asian studies, history, and land/resource management. Juniors and non-graduating seniors are particularly encouraged to apply. Graduate students are not eligible. Applicants are limited to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
Faculty mentors include Pierre Landry, Roberta Soltz, and James Cook of the University of Pittsburgh.
Costs of participation (travel, room, board), including the payment of a significant research stipend, will be paid by the program. Student participants are only responsible for their travel to/from the University of Pittsburgh and passport/visa fees.
Deadline for applications is February 15, 2012. Additional information and application forms can be found online, here.
The University of Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.